Home / Mimi Kara N2 / lMimi Kara N2 Grammar: に先立って/先立ち (ni sakidatte / sakidachi)

lMimi Kara N2 Grammar: に先立って/先立ち (ni sakidatte / sakidachi)

79. ~ に先立って/先立ち (ni sakidatte / sakidachi)

Meaning: Before ~

How to use: N/Vる + に先立って/先立ち

Example sentences:

A morale booster party was held before the team left.

Before the press conference, a summary of the key points of the speech was distributed to everyone.

“Before starting the game, we asked permission to sing the national anthem.”

In this case, before the eruption of the volcano, there was an earthquake that lasted for 48 hours.

Before the re-planning of the area in front of the station, a referendum was held.