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Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 32

Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 32

  1. V-form ほうがいい

    Vない-formない  ほうがいい


It is good to do some exercise everyday.



I have got a fever.

So, you had better not take a bath.

This pattern is used to make suggestions or to give advice. Depending on the situation, this expression may sound like you are imposing your opinion on the listener. Therefore, consider the context of the conversation carefully before using it.

[Note] The difference between ~たほうがいいand ~たらいい.



I would like to see some Japanese temples.

So, it would be a good idea to go to Kyoto.

Example (*) illustrates a situation in which a simple suggestion is given. In such cases~たらいい is used. ~たほうがいいimplies a comparison and a choice between two things even if it is not expressed in words.

  1. Plain form でしょう

-adj / N:~だ  → ~な

This pattern expresses the speaker’s inference from some information he/she has. When used in a question like (**), the speaker asks for the listener’s inference.


It will rain tomorrow.


Do you think Mr. Thawaphon will pass the exam?

  1. Plain formかもしれません

-adj / N:~だ  → ~な

~かもしれませんalso expresses the speaker’s inference, and means that there is a possibility that some event or state occurred/occurs/will occur. The degree of certainty however is much lower than with ~でしょう.


We might not be in time for the appointment.

  1. きっと/たぶん/もしかしたら

1) きっと

This adverb indicates that the speaker is quite certain of what he/she is saying. The probability ranges from quite high to same level as that of ~でしょう.


Mr. Miller will surely come.


It will undoubted rain tomorrow.

2) たぶん

This adverb entails less certainty thanきっと, and is mostly used with~でしょう . As shown below, たぶんis very often used with とおもいます.



Do you think Mr. Miller will come?

I guess so.


I guess Mr. Yamada does not know this news.

3) もしかしたら

This adverb is used with~かもしれません in most cases. A sentence withもしかしたら expresses the idea that there is less of a possibility of some event or situation occurring.


There is a possibility I might be unable to graduate in March.

  1. 何か心配なこと


Is anything bothering you?

As shown in (***), you cannot say しんぱいな  なにか, but you should rather say なにか しぱいなこと. Other similar examples are なにか~もの, どこか~ところ, だれか~ひと, いつか~とき, etc.


I want to go skiing. Could you recommend a good ski resort?

  1. Quantifier 

でadded to a quantifier indicates the limit of a price, time, quantity, etc., necessary for a state, an action or an event to be realized.


Can I reach the station in thirty minutes?


Can I buy a video player for 30,000 yen?

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