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Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 38

Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 38

  1. V plain form

Attach the particle のto the plain form of a verb and you can nominalize the phrase accompanying that verb.

  1. V dictionary formのは adjectiveです


Tennis is fun.


Playing tennis is fun.


Watching tennis is fun.

(*) simply refers to tennis as a sport, while (**) and (***) are more specific in referring to either playing or watching tennis. Such adjectives as むずかしい, やさしい, おもしろい, たのしい, きけん[な], たいへん[な], etc., are frequently used in this sentence pattern.

  1. V dictionary formのが adjectiveです


I like flowers.


I like growing flowers.


People in Tokyo walk fast.

The adjectives which are used in this sentence pattern are usually ones that describe likes or dislikes and skills or capabilities such as すき[な], きらい[な], じょうず[な], へた[な], はやい, おそい, etc.

  1. V dictionary form のを忘れました

forgot to do …


I forgot the key.


I forgot to buy milk.


I forgot to close the car window.

  1. V plain formのを知っていますか。

Do you know that …?

This is an expression asking whether the listener knows what is described in the clause preceding の.


Do you know that Mr. Suzuki is going to get married next month?

[Note] The difference betweenしりません and しりませんでした.



Do you know that Ms. Kimura had a baby?

No, I didn’t.



Do you know Mr. Miller’s address?

No, I don’t.

しりませんでしたis used in an example (i), because the person replying has got the information from the question. In example (ii), however, しりませんis used because the person replying has not got any information from the question.

  1. Plain form のはNです

   -adj / N:~だ → ~な


My daughter was born in a small town in Hokkaido.


My daughter’s birthplace is a small town in Hokkaido.


December is the busiest month of the year.


The busiest month of the year is December.

This pattern is used when a noun representing a thing, a person, a place,  etc., is replaced with のand then taken up as the topic of the sentence.

  1. ~ときも/~ときや/~ときの/~ときに、etc.

Various particles can be attached to ~とき, which you learned in Lesson 23, because the word ときis a noun.


I remember my hometown when I am tired or lonely.


I have been living in Osaka since I was born.

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