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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 20 Vocabulary

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 20 Vocabulary
Learn Japanese Vocabulary
Let’s learn basic Japanese with the Japanese vocabulary set from the Minna No Nihongo textbook

Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Romaji Meaning
ビザが要ります ビザがいります biza ga irimasu need visa
ビザ biza visa
調べます しらべます shirabemasu to examine; to look up; to investigate
直します なおします naoshimasu repair; to fix; to correct
修理します しゅうりします shuurishimasu repair; to fix
電話します でんわします denwashimasu phone call
ぼく boku I; me
きみ kimi you
言葉 ことば kotoba language; dialect
物価 ぶっか bukka prices
着物 きもの kimono kimono (Japanese traditional clothing)
始め はじめ hajime beginning; start
終わり おわり owari the end
この間 このあいだ konoaida just now; the other day; lately
色々 いろいろ iroiro various; all sorts of
こっち kocchi this direction; here (a natural, informal way of saying “kochira”)
そっち socchi that side (natural way of saying, informally “sochira”)
あっち acchi Over there (a natural, informal way of saying “achira”)
どっち docchi which side (natural, informal way of saying “dochira”)
国へ帰るの? くにへかえるの? kuniekaeruno? Will you return to your country?
どうするの? dousuruno? What do you think? What will you do?
よかったら yokattara if you like