Home / N2 Vocabulary / Mimi Kara N2 Vocabulary – Unit 13

Mimi Kara N2 Vocabulary – Unit 13

Mimi Kara Oboeru N2 Vocabulary – Unit 13
Let’s learn Japanese vocabulary N2 according to the Mimi Kara Oboeru N2 vocabulary textbook.
This is the list of words you need to study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N2.

No. Kanji Hiragana Romaji Meaning
1091 さっぱり sappari completely, refreshing, comfortable
1092 すっきり Sukkiri refreshing, fresh
1093 実に じつに  jitsuni really, actually
1094 思い切り おもいきり  omoikiri wholeheartedly, decisively, caring
1095 何となく なんとなく nantonaku slightly (feeling)
1096 何だか なんだか  nandaka a little bit
1097 どうにか dounika somehow
1098 どうにも dounimo can’t do anything
1099 何とか なんとか Nantoka somehow, something
1100 何とも なんとも Nantomo no… a little bit
1101 わざと wazato deliberate
1102 わざわざ Wazawaza bother, annoy
1103 せっかく Sekkaku lost work
1104 あいにく Ainiku what a pity
1105 案の定 あんのじょう annojou as expected
1106 いよいよ iyoiyo Finally, the time has come, more and more
1107 さすが Sasuga indeed, as expected, it’s true
1108 とにかく Tonikaku anyway, first of all
1109 ともかく Tomokaku anyway, put (something) aside
1110 せめて Semete at least
1111 せいぜい Seizei maximum, as much as possible
1112 どうせ  douse anyway
1113 ぎっしり Gisshiri packed tight, full tight, tight schedule
1114 ずらりと Zurarito overflowing, flooded
1115 あっさり Assari simple, light
1116 しんと/ しいんと Shinto/ shiinto quiet
1117 ちゃんと Chanto seriously, carefully
1118 続々 ぞくぞく  zokuzoku continuously, one after the other
1119 どっと Dotto all at once, all of a sudden
1120 ばったり Battari suddenly (fall)
1121 さっさと Sassato fast
1122 さっと Satto fast, sudden
1123 すっと Sutto straighten, (feel) awake
1124 せっせと Sesseto work hard
1125 ざっと Zatto through speakers, roughly
1126 こっそり Kossori secret, stealthy
1127 生き生き いきいき ikiiki lively
1128 ぼんやり Bon’yari hazy, vague, absent-minded
1129 ふと Futo suddenly, by chance
1130 じかに Jikani directly
1131 一度に いちどに ichido ni simultaneous
1132 一斉に いっせいに isseini simultaneously
1133 共に ともに tomoni together
1134 相互に そうごに Sougo ni support
1135 一人一人 ひとりひとり hitorihitori one by one, in turn
1136 いちいち ichiichi one by one, in detail
1137 所々 ところどころ Tokorodokoro here and there, some places
1138 どうか douka please
1139 できれば/ できたら Dekireba/ de kitara if possible
1140 たいして Taishite not much
1141 恐らく おそらく Osoraku perhaps; likely
1142 むしろ Mushiro Better… Than
1143 果たして はたして Hatashite indeed
1144 かえって Kaette on the contrary, who would have thought
1145 必ずしも かならずしも Kanarazushimo not really, not necessary
1146 単に たんに tanni just, simple
1147 いまだに imadani not yet
1148 ついでに Tsuideni Incidentally, by the way
1149 とりあえず Toriaezu first, during this time
1150 万一/万が一 まんいち/ まんがいち Man’ichi/ mangaichi If you miss it, it’s unfortunate
1151 偶然 ぐうぜん  guuzen random, unexpected
1152 たまたま Tamatama sometimes
1153 実際 じっさい Jissai real, really
1154 同様 どうよう douyou like, similarity
1155 元々 もともと Motomoto initial
1156 本来 ほんらい Honrai from scratch, original
1157 ある Aru yes, used to
1158 あらゆる Arayuru all
1159 たいした Taishita important, great
1160 いわゆる iwayuru the so-called
