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JLPT N3 Grammar List

JLPT N3 Grammar List

1. ために (tame ni) : because of; as a result of

2. きり (kiri) : only; since; after

3. としたら (to shitara) : if it were the case that…; if we assume…

4. まま (mama) : as it is; still in the same state

5. ほど (hodo) : to the extent that; so much… that

6. さえ ~ ば (sae ~ ba) : if only ~ then; as long as; even

7. によって (ni yotte) : by means of; due to; because of

8. っけ (kke) : should; can; it’d be good if

9. たとたん (ta totan) : the moment; the instant; as soon as

10. たびに (tabi ni) : each time, every time, whenever

11. こと (koto) : (must) do

12. ばいい (ba ii) : should; can; it’d be good if

13. ふと (futo) : suddenly; accidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally

14. ば~ほど (ba~hodo) : the more… the more

15. あまり (amari) : so much… that

16. みたい (mitai) : Looks like ~/ seems to be…

17. ように (you ni) : in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that

18. として (toshite) : as (i.e. in the role of)

19. における (ni okeru) : in; on; at (place)

20. において (ni oite) : in; on; at

21. といっても (to ittemo) : although I say; although one might say; although called

22. というより (to iu yori) : rather than

23. ということだ (to iu koto da) : I heard; it means that; rumor has it that…

24. ついでに (tsuide ni) : while; incidentally; taking the opportunity

25. だらけ (darake) : full of; covered with; a lot of (something undesirable)

26. こそ (koso) : for sure (emphasize preceding word); precisely

27. がち (gachi) : tend to; often

28. うちに (uchi ni) : while; during; before

29. ながらも (nagara mo) : but; although; despite ~

30. わけではない (wake dewa nai) : it doesn’t mean that; I don’t mean that; it is not true that

31. わけだ (wake da) : the fact is; for that reason; as you know

32. べき (beki) : must; should

33. にとって (ni totte) : to; for; concerning; as far as … is concerned; regarding ~

34. につれて (ni tsurete) : as; in proportion to; with

35. にかわって (ni kawatte) : instead of; on behalf of

36. について (ni tsuite) : concerning; regarding