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Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 2

Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 2

1. これ /  それ / あれ

これ, それ and あれ are demonstratives.

They work as nouns. これ refers to a thing  near the listener. それ refers to a thing near the listener.  あれ refers to a thing  far from the speaker and listener.

それは 辞書ですか。

Is that a dictionary?


I’ll take this. (lit. Please give this to me.)(L.3)

2. この N / その N / あの N

これ, それ and あれ modify nouns. “この N” refers to a thing  or a person near the speaker. “その N” refers to a thing  or a person near the listener. “あの N” refers to a thing  or a person far from both are speaker and the listener.

この本は わたしのです。

This book is mine.

あの方は どなたですか。

Who is that [person]?

3. そうです / そうじゃありません

In the case of a noun sentence, the word そう is often used to answer a question requiring an affirmative or negative  answer. はい、そうです is the affirmative  answer and いいえ、そうじゃありません is the negative answer.

それは テレホンカードですか。

Is that a telephone card?


… Yes, it is (lit. Yes, it’s so)

それは テレホンカードですか。

Is that a telephone card?


… No. it isn’t.

4. S1 か、S2 か

This is a question asking the listener to choose between alternatives, S1 and S2, for the answer to this type of question, the chosen sentence is stated. Neither はい nor いいえ is used.

これは 「9」ですか、「7」ですか。

Is this a “9” or a “7”?


…It’s a “9”.

5. N1 の N2

You learned in Lesson 1 that の is used to connect two nouns when N1 modified N2. In Lesson 2 you learned two other uses of this の.

1) N1 explains what N2 is about.

これは コンピュータの本( ほん)です。

This is a book on computer.

2) N1 explains who owns N2.

これは わたしの本です。

This is my book.

N2  is sometimes omitted when it is obvious. When N2 means a person, however, you can not omit it.

あれは だれの かばんですか。

Whose bag is that?


…It’s Ms.Sato’s.

この かばんは あなたのですか。

Is this bag yours?


… No, it’s not mine.

ミラーさんは IMC の 社員せすか。

Is Mr.Miller an employee of IMC?

…はい、IMC の 社員です。

…Yes, he is.


This expression is used when the speaker receives  new information and shows that he or she understands it.

この 傘 (かさ) は あなたのですか。

…いいえ、違います (ちがいます)。シュミットさんのです。


Is this umbrella yours?

… No, it’s Mr.Schmidt’s.

I see.

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