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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 3 Vocabulary

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 3 Vocabulary
Learn Japanese Vocabulary
Let’s learn basic Japanese with the Japanese vocabulary set from the Minna No Nihongo textbook.

No. Hiragana/ Katakana Kanji Meaning
1 ここ here, this place
2 そこ there, that place near you
3 あそこ that place over there
4 どこ where, what place
5 こちら this way, this place (the polite equivalent of ここ)
6 そちら that way, that place near you (the polite equivalent of そこ)
7 あちら that way, that place over there (the polite equivalent of あそこ)
8 どちら which way, where (the polite equivalent of どこ)
9 きょうしつ 教室 classroom
10 しょくどう 食堂 the dining hall, canteen
11 じむしょ 事務所 office
12 かいぎしつ 会議室 conference room, assembly room
13 うけつけ 受付 reception desk
14 ロビー lobby
15 へや 部屋 room
16 トイレ(おてあらい) (お手洗い) toilet, rest room
17 かいだん 階段 staircase
18 エレベーター elevator, lift
19 エスカレーター escalator
20 [お]くに [お]国 country
21 かいしゃ 会社 company
22 うち house, home
23 でんわ 電話 telephone, telephone call
24 くつ shoes
25 ネクタイ necktie
26 ワイン wine
27 たばこ tobacco, cigarette
28 うりば 売り場 department, counter (in a department store
29 ちか 地下 basement
30 ―かい(-がい) -階 -th floor
31 なんがい 何階 what floor
32 ―えん ―円 -yen
33 いくら how much
34 ひゃく hundred
35 せん thousand
36 まん ten thousand
37 すみません Excuse me
38 ~でございます (the polite equivalent of です)
39 みせてください [~を]見せてください Please show me [∼]
40 じゃ well, then, in that case
41 [~を]ください Give me [∼], please.
42 しんおおさか 新大阪 name of a station in Osaka
43 イタリア Italy
44 スイス Switzerland
45 MT/ヨーネン/アキックス fictitious companies