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Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 26

Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 26

  1. Plain form + んです

-adj / N: ~だ   ~な

~んですis an expression used to explain cause, reasons, grounds, etc., strongly . ~んですis used in spoken language, while ~のです is used in written language. ~んですis used in the following ways.

1) ~んですか

This expression is used in the following cases.

  • When the speaker guesses the reason or the cause as to what he has seen or heard and then confirms whether he is correct.




Ms. Watanabe, you sometimes speak Osaka dialect.

Have you lived in Osaka?

Yes, I lived in Osaka until I was fifteen.

  • When the speaker asks for information about what he has seen or heard.



The design of your shoes is interesting. Where did you buy them?

I bought this pair at Edoya Store .

  • When the speaker asks the listener to explain the reason or the cause of what he has seen or heard.


Why were you late?

  • When asking for an explanation of a situation.


What’s the matter?

[Note] “~んですか” sometimes contains the speaker’s surprise, suspicion, strong curiosity, etc. Inappropriate use, therefore, may offend the listener, so it is necessary to be careful with this expression.

2) ~んです

This expression is used in the following cases.

  • When stating the reason or cause as an answer to such questions as in (*) and (**) above.



Why were you late?

Because the bus didn’t come.



What’s the matter?

I don’t feel well.

  • When the speaker adds the reason or the cause to what he’s stated.



Do you read newspaper every morning?

No. I don’t have the time.

3) ~んですが、~

~んですがis used to introduce a topic. It is followed by a request, an invitation or an expression seeking permission. がin this case is used to connect sentences lightly and indicates hesistation and reservation on the speaker’s side.


I’ve written a letter in Japanese. Could you please check it for me?

NHK を見学したいんですが、どうしたらいいですか。

I want to tour NHK. How can I do that?

  1. V-formいただけませんか

Would you please do me a favor of ~ing?

This is a request expression that is politer than ~てください


Would you please introduce a good teacher to me?

  1. Interrogative V-formらいいですか 

What/When/Where/Which/How/Who shall I?


Where should I buy a camera?


I don’t have any small change. What shall I do?

~たらいいですかis used when the speaker asks the listener for some advice or instructions about what to do.

  1. N (object) は好きです/嫌いです/上手です/下手です/あります

like / dislike / be good at / be poor at / have, etc. N



Are you going to participate in the athletic meeting?

No. I don’t like sports very much.

You learned in Book I (Lesson 10 and 17) that subjects and also objects indicated by をcan become topics and be highlighted byは . Objects indicated by がcan also be highlighted byは .

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