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Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 14

Minna No Nihongo Grammar Lesson 14

1. Verb conjugation

Verbs in Japanese change their forms, i.e., they conjugate, and they are divided into three groups according to the type of conjugation. Depending on the following phrases, you can make sentences with various meanings.

2. Verb groups

1) Group I verbs

In the verbs  of this group, the last sound of the ます – form is that of the い-line.

かきます write のみます drink.

2) Group II verbs

In most of the verbs of this group , last sound of the ます-form is that of the え- line, but in some verbs the last sound of the ます-form is that of the い-line.

たべます eat みせます  show みます  see

3)Group III verbs

Verbs of this group include します and “noun denoting an action + します” as well as きます。

3. Verb て – form

The verb form which ends with て or で is called the て- form. How to make the て-form of  a verb depends on which group the verb belongs to as explained below.

1)Group I Depending on the last sound of the ます-form, the て- form of the verbs of this group is made as shown in the form table. Note that the て- form of the verb いきます、いって , is an exception.

2)Group II Attach て to the ます-form.

3)Group III Attach て to the ます-form.

4. Vて-form ください  : Please do…

This sentence pattern is used to ask, instruct or encourage the listener to do something. Naturally if the listener is one’s superior, this expression cannot be used for giving instructions to him/her. The sentences shown below are examples of asking, instructing and encouraging, respectively.


Excuse me, could you tell me how to read this kanji, please.?


Please write you name and address here.


Please come to my place.

When it is used to ask the listener to do something, すみませんが is often added before V て-form ください. This expression is pliter than only saying Vて-form ください.

5. Vて-form います : Be V-ing

This sentence pattern indicates that a certain action or motion us in progress.


Mr Miller is making a phone call now.

今雨が降っていますか?                       Is it raining now

。。。はい、降っています。            …Yes, it is.

。。。いいえ、降っていません。   …No, it is not.

6. Vます-form ましょか : Shall I…?

This expression is used when the speaker is offering to do something for the listener.

A.あしたも来ましょうか                  Shall I come tomorrow, too?

B.ええ10時にきてください。     ….Yes, please come at ten.

A.傘を貸しましょうか                      Shall I lend you an umbrella?

B.すみません。お願いします。      …Yes, please.

A.荷物を持ちましょうか                 Shall I carry your parcel?

B.いいえ、けっこうです。              …No, thank you.

In the above example conversations, B demontratres how to politely ask or instruct someone to do something, to accept an offer with gratitude and to decline an offer poitlely.

7. S1がS2 …But…


Excuse me, but may I have your name?


Please pass me the salt.

You learned the conjunctive particle が in lesson 8. In expressions such as しつれいですが orすみませんが , which are used as introductory remarks when speaking to someone, が , losing its original meaning, is used to connect two sentences lightly.

8. NがV

When describing a natural phenomenon, the subject is indicated by が.


It is raining.

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